
q− p


|∇u(x+v)|q dv)1/q


q− p

(∫U|∇u(z)|q dz


Since q > p . Thus

1mp (U)


(∫U|∇u(z)|q dz



B(x,2|x−y|)|∇u(z)|q dz


and similarly

1mp (V )



|∇u(z)|q dz)1/q

From 16.4, |u(x)−u(y)| ≤C(∫

B(x,2|x−y|) |∇u(z)|q dz)1/q|x−y|1−

pq ■

Corollary 16.3.3 Let u be Lipschitz on Rp with constant K. Then there is a constant Cdepending only on p,q such that

|u(x)−u(y)| ≤C(∫

B(x,2|x−y|)|∇u(z) |qdz

)1/q(| x− y|(1−p/q)

). (16.5)

Here q > p.

Proof: Let un = u ∗ φ n where {φ n} is a mollifier as in Lemma 16.3.1. Then fromLemma 16.3.2, there is a constant depending only on p such that

|un (x)−un (y)| ≤C(∫

B(x,2|x−y|)|∇un (z) |qdz

)1/q(| x− y|(1−p/q)


Now |∇un| = |∇u∗φ n| by Lemma 16.3.1 and this last is bounded. Also, by this lemma,∇un (z)→ ∇u(z) a.e. and un (x)→ u(x) for all x. Therefore, by the dominated conver-gence theorem, pass to the limit as n→ ∞ and obtain 16.5. ■

Note you can write 16.5 in the form

|u(x)−u(y)| ≤ C(



|∇u(z) |qdz)1/q


= Ĉ(

1mp (B(x,2 |x−y|))


|∇u(z) |qdz)1/q


Before leaving this remarkable formula, note that if you are in any situation where theabove formula holds and ∇u exists in some sense and is in Lq,q > p, then u would need tobe continuous. This is the basis for the Sobolev embedding theorem.

Here is Rademacher’s theorem.

Theorem 16.3.4 Suppose u is Lipschitz with constant K then if x is a point where∇u(x) exists,

|u(y)−u(x)−∇u(x) · (y−x)|


1m(B(x,2 |x−y|))


|∇u(z)−∇u(x) |qdz)1/q

| x− y|. (16.6)

Also u is differentiable at a.e. x and also

u(x+tv)−u(x) =∫ t

0Dvu(x+ sv)ds (16.7)

16.3. RADEMACHER’S THEOREM 441_ a (/, Ivu(e+eyitdr) = a (/, vu(e)tide)Since g > p . Thusa) I, lu(@) ~ul2)lde<€ (/ vu (2)"az) sc Cra» vu (2)Fz) °and similarly1 1/q=i) /, \u(w) —u(z)|dz<C (a \Vu (2)"az)1/q _Pu(x) —u(y)| <C (Iove.2}e-y) \Vu(z)|"dz) jv —y|'-5Corollary 16.3.3. Let u be Lipschitz on R? with constant K. Then there is a constant Cdepending only on p,q such thatFrom 16.4,1/qlu(x)—u(y)|<C (J, sey) |Vu(z) Haz) ( xr y|ria). (16.5)Here q > p.Proof: Let u, = u*@, where {@,,} is a mollifier as in Lemma 16.3.1. Then fromLemma 16.3.2, there is a constant depending only on p such thatline) uni sC(f IWua(=) Md) "(a ylt-Pl0).Now |Vu,| = |Vu*@,,| by Lemma 16.3.1 and this last is bounded. Also, by this lemma,Vuln (Zz) + Vu(z) ae. and u, (a) + u(a) for all x. Therefore, by the dominated conver-gence theorem, pass to the limit as n — oo and obtain 16.5.Note you can write 16.5 in the formwx,2|e—y))I/qiex)—u(y)| < C(t fvule)ltae) fea|a —y|?. 1 "4Cc | Vu(z) ‘as) la —y|(;, (B@.2)e@— yD) Jnerie-yy |Before leaving this remarkable formula, note that if you are in any situation where theabove formula holds and Vu exists in some sense and is in L’,q > p, then u would need tobe continuous. This is the basis for the Sobolev embedding theorem.Here is Rademacher’s theorem.Theorem 16.3.4 Suppose u is Lipschitz with constant K then if x is a point whereVu (a) exists,lu (y) — u(x) —Vu(a)-(y—@)|11/qV — q — yl. .<¢ (sae aecypy Ines» u(2) Vu(a) Ma) }e— yl 16.6)Also u is differentiable at a.e. x and alsou(a+tv) —u(x) = [ Pvu(e+sv)as (16.7)