Proof: It suffices to assume m = 1 because if this is shown, it may be applied to thecomponents of h to get the desired result. Suppose

|h(x)−h(y)| ≤ K |x−y|. (16.8)

Defineh(x)≡ inf{h(w)+K |x−w| :w ∈Ω}. (16.9)

If x ∈Ω, then for allw ∈Ω, h(w)+K |x−w| ≥ h(x) by 16.8. This shows h(x)≤ h(x).But also you could takew= x in 16.9 which yields h(x)≤ h(x). Therefore h(x) = h(x)if x ∈Ω.

Now suppose x,y ∈Rp and consider∣∣h(x)−h(y)

∣∣. Without loss of generality assumeh(x) ≥ h(y) . (If not, repeat the following argument with x and y interchanged.) Pickw ∈Ω such that h(w)+K |y−w|− ε < h(y). Then∣∣h(x)−h(y)

∣∣= h(x)−h(y)≤ h(w)+K |x−w|−

[h(w)+K |y−w|− ε]≤ K |x−y|+ ε.

Since ε is arbitrary,∣∣h(x)−h(y)

∣∣≤ K |x−y| ■

16.4 Weak DerivativesA related concept is that of weak derivatives. Let Ω ⊆ Rp be an open set. A distributionon Ω is defined to be a linear functional on C∞

c (Ω), called the space of test functions. Thespace of all such linear functionals will be denoted by D∗ (Ω) . Actually, more is sometimesdone here. One imposes a topology on C∞

c (Ω) making it into a topological vector space,and when this has been done, D ′ (Ω) is defined as the continuous linear maps. To see this,consult the book by Yosida [60] or the book by Rudin [51]. I am ignoring this topologybecause in practice, one is usually more interested in some other topology which is muchless exotic. Thus D∗ (Ω) is an algebraic dual which has nothing to do with topology.

The following is a basic lemma which will be used in what follows. First recall thefollowing definition.

Definition 16.4.1 For Ω an open set inRn,C∞c (Ω) denotes those functions φ which

are infinitely differentiable and have compact support in Ω. This is a nonempty set offunctions by Lemma 12.5.3.

With this definition, the fundamental lemma is as follows.

Lemma 16.4.2 Suppose f ∈ L1loc (Rn) and suppose

∫f φdx = 0 for all φ ∈ C∞

c (Rn).Then f (x) = 0 a.e. x.

Proof: Without loss of generality f is real-valued. Let E ≡ { x : f (x) > ε} and letEm ≡ E ∩B(0,m). We show that m(Em) = 0. If not, there exists an open set V , and acompact set K satisfying

K ⊆ Em ⊆V ⊆ B(0,m) , mp (V \K)< 4−1m(Em) ,∫

V\K| f |dx < ε4−1mp (Em) .

Let H and W be open sets satisfying K ⊆ H ⊆ H ⊆W ⊆W ⊆V and let H ≺ g≺W wherethe symbol, ≺, has the same meaning as it does in Definition 3.12.3. That is, g equals 1 on

16.4. WEAK DERIVATIVES 443Proof: It suffices to assume m = | because if this is shown, it may be applied to thecomponents of h to get the desired result. Suppose|h (a) —h(y)| <Kla—yl. (16.8)Defineh(a) =inf{h(w)+K|a—w|:w€Q}. (16.9)If z €Q, then for all w € Q, h(w)+K |x —w| > h(a) by 16.8. This shows h(a) <h(z).But also you could take w = & in 16.9 which yields h(a) < h(a). Therefore h(a) = h(a)if# EQ.Now suppose x, y € R? and consider |h (x) —h(y)|. Without loss of generality assumeh(a) > h(y). (If not, repeat the following argument with x and y interchanged.) Pickw €Q such that h(w)+K|y—w|—e <h(y). Then|i (a) —h(y)| = h(x) —h(y) <h(w) + K |e —w|—[h(w) +K|y—w|—e] <K |x —y|+e.Since € is arbitrary, |h(a) —h(y)| <K|x—y|16.4 Weak DerivativesA related concept is that of weak derivatives. Let Q C R? be an open set. A distributionon Q is defined to be a linear functional on C2 (Q), called the space of test functions. Thespace of all such linear functionals will be denoted by Y* (Q) . Actually, more is sometimesdone here. One imposes a topology on C2 (Q) making it into a topological vector space,and when this has been done, Y’ (Q) is defined as the continuous linear maps. To see this,consult the book by Yosida [60] or the book by Rudin [51]. I am ignoring this topologybecause in practice, one is usually more interested in some other topology which is muchless exotic. Thus Y* (Q) is an algebraic dual which has nothing to do with topology.The following is a basic lemma which will be used in what follows. First recall thefollowing definition.Definition 16.4.1 For Qan open set in R", C2 (Q) denotes those functions whichare infinitely differentiable and have compact support in Q. This is a nonempty set offunctions by Lemma 12.5.3.With this definition, the fundamental lemma is as follows.Lemma 16.4.2 Suppose f € Lj,.(R”") and suppose { fodx =0 for all @ € C2(R").Then f (x) =Oae. x.Proof: Without loss of generality f is real-valued. Let E = { w: f(a) > e€} and letEm = EM B(0,m). We show that m(E,,) = 0. If not, there exists an open set V, and acompact set K satisfyingK C Em CV CB(0,m), my (V\K) <4-1m (Em), I ld <€4- "im, (Em).V\KLet H and W be open sets satisfying K CH CH CW CW CV and let H < g < W wherethe symbol, <, has the same meaning as it does in Definition 3.12.3. That is, g equals | on