So letting ε → 0,∫

f (z)d (hm,Ω,z)dz =∫

f (z)det(Dhm (z))dz. Next suppose

f ∈Cc


)Then spt( f ) is covered by finitely many of such balls like the above, {Bi}m

i=1 with theproperty that if g ∈Cc (Bi) , then∫

g(z)d (hm,Ω,z)dz =∫

g(hm (x))det(Dhm (x))dx

Now let{

ψ j

}be a partition of unity on spt f with sptψ i ⊆ Bi. Then

∫f (z)d (hm,Ω,z)dz =

∫ m


ψ i (z) f (z)d (hm,Ω,z)dz



∫ψ i (z) f (z)d (hm,Ω,z)dz =




ψ i (hm (x)) f (hm (x))det(Dhm (x))dx




ψ i (hm (x)) f (hm (x))det(Dhm (x))dx =∫

f (hm (x))det(Dhm (x))dx

If h is Lipschitz, then limm→∞hm (x) = h(x) uniformly and also for a.e. x, Dhm (x)→Dh(x) and so, since everything is bounded, we can apply the dominated convergencetheorem and conclude that∫

f (z)d (h,Ω,z)dz =∫

f (h(x))det(Dh(x))dx

This proves the following interesting proposition.

Proposition 17.7.4 Let f ∈Cc


)and let h be Lipschitz on Rn. Then

∫f (y)d (h,Ω,y)dy =


f (h(x))det(Dh(x))dx.

Note that d (h,Ω,y) = 0 if y /∈ h(Ω) so the integral on the left is taken over h(Ω).Recall that the area formula gives the formula∫

h(Ω)f (y)#(y)dy =


f (h(x)) |det(Dh(x))|dx.

You could probably say more. For example, the degree is constant on components ofh(dΩ)C and so considering these components, you maybe could use the Riesz represen-tation theorem for positive linear functionals to get this formula for more general f . SayΩ is open and connected, for example, and suppose d (h,Ω,y) is 3 on y ∈ h(Ω) . Thenyou could let Λ f ≡

∫f (y)3dy =


f (h(x))det(Dh(x))dx and this would be a positive

linear functional on Cc



17.7. INTEGRATION AND THE DEGREE 469So letting e > 0, f f(z) d (hn, Q, z)dz = f f (z) det (Dh (z)) dz. Next supposeec. (h(a2)°)Then spt(f) is covered by finitely many of such balls like the above, {B;};"., with theproperty that if g € C, (B;), then[82d (ten, Q,2)d2= fg (am («))det(Dhon (w)) dxNow let {y i} be a partition of unity on spt f with spt y; C B;. Then[fee (hm, 2,2) dz = [Xwes d (Rn,Q, 2) dz=¥ [ vile) f(2)d Pm, .2) a=) [, Vi: (Pin (@)) f (Pm (2)) det (Dm (2) dxi=1= [ ¥ vi (ton 2) fam (@)) det (Dry (a) dx = ) f (Pim (2)) det (Dh (a) dxQ j=]If h is Lipschitz, then lim. hm (a) = h(a) uniformly and also for a.e. 2, Dhy, (a) >Dh (a) and so, since everything is bounded, we can apply the dominated convergencetheorem and conclude that[tea (h.Qz)dz= | f(r(e )) det (Dh (a)) dxThis proves the following interesting proposition.Proposition 17.7.4 Let f EC, (n (92)") and let h be Lipschitz on R". Then[f(v)a(h.2,u)dy= [ff (h(@))deu(Dh (a)) dxNote that d(h,Q, y) = 0 if y ¢ h(Q) so the integral on the left is taken over h(Q).Recall that the area formula gives the formulay)dy = [fre )) |det (Dh (x) | dx.wayYou could probably say more. For example, the degree is constant on components ofh (dQ)© and so considering these components, you maybe could use the Riesz represen-tation theorem for positive linear functionals to get this formula for more general f. SayQ is open and connected, for example, and suppose d(h,Q,y) is 3 on y € h(Q). Thenyou could let Af = f f (y) 3dy = Jo f (h(a)) det (Dh (a)) dx and this would be a positivelinear functional on C, (n (90)°)