Proof: The first part of this theorem has been proved in Lemmas 8.1.4 - 8.1.8. It onlyremains to verify the claim about the matrix Ê. Consider first the elementary matricescorresponding to row operation of type three.

E (−c× i+ j)E (c× i+ j) = I.

This follows because the first matrix takes c times row i in the identity and adds it to row j.When multiplied on the left by E (−c× i+ j) it follows from the first part of this theoremthat you take the ith row of E (c× i+ j) which coincides with the ith row of I since that rowwas not changed, multiply it by −c and add to the jth row of E (c× i+ j) which was thejth row of I added to c times the ith row of I. Thus E (−c× i+ j) multiplied on the left,undoes the row operation which resulted in E (c× i+ j). The same argument applied tothe product E (c× i+ j)E (−c× i+ j) replacing c with −c in the argument yields that thisproduct is also equal to I. Therefore, there is an elementary matrix of the same sort whichwhen multiplied by E on either side gives the identity.

Similar reasoning shows that for E (c, i) the elementary matrix which comes from mul-tiplying the ith row by the nonzero constant c, you can take Ê = E ((1/c) , i).

Finally, consider Pi j which involves switching the ith and the jth rows Pi jPi j = I be-cause by the first part of this theorem, multiplying on the left by Pi j switches the ith and jth

rows of Pi j which was obtained from switching the ith and jth rows of the identity. Firstyou switch them to get Pi j and then you multiply on the left by Pi j which switches theserows again and restores the identity matrix. ■

To summarize the last part, if E (c× i+ j)−1 = E (−c× i+ j) ,(Pi j)−1

= Pi j, and

E (c, i)−1 = E(

1c, i).

The geometric significance of these elementary operations is interesting. The followingpicture shows the effect of doing E

( 12 ×3+1

)on a box. You will see that it shears the box

in one direction. Of course there would be corresponding shears in the other directionsalso. Note that this does not change the volume.







The other elementary matrices have similar simple geometric interpretations. For ex-ample, E (c, i) merely multiplies the ith variable by c. It stretches or contracts the box inthat direction. If c is negative, it also causes the box to be reflected in this direction. Thefollowing picture illustrates the effect of P13 on a box in three dimensions. It changes the xand the z values.