And now subtracting this from 12.11 yields

0 =k


ci (λ v−λ wi)wi

and by independence of the {w1, · · · ,wk} , this requires ci (λ v−λ wi) = 0 for each i. Sincethe eigenvalues are distinct, λ v−λ wi ̸= 0 and so each ci = 0. But from 12.10, this requiresv = 0 which is impossible because v is an eigenvector and

Eigenvectors are never equal to zero! ■

Definition 12.1.17 An n× n matrix A is called nondefective if and only if there exists abasis of eigenvectors for Fn.

In fact the geometric multiplicity is never larger than the algebraic multiplicity. Let Adenote an n×n matrix in what follows and we assume there is an eigenvalue λ and F willdenote the field of scalars.

Theorem 12.1.18 Let λ be an eigenvalue for an n× n matrix. Then its geometric multi-plicity is never larger than its algebraic multiplicity.

Proof: Let {v1, · · · ,vr} be a basis for the eigenspace corresponding to some λ . Thenby Theorem 8.5.21, there is a longer list {v1, · · · ,vr,u1, · · · ,un−r} which is a basis for Fn.

Thus the matrix S≡(

v1 · · · vr u1 · · · un−r

)is invertible. Say its inverse is

S−1 =(

a1 · · · ar b1 · · · bn−r


where aTi v j = δ i j. Then S−1AS must be(a1 · · · ar b1 · · · bn−r

)T (λv1 · · · λvr Au1 · · · Aun−r

)and so S−1AS is of the form (

D M0 N


where D is an r× r diagonal matrix having λ down the main diagonal, M an r× (n− r) ,and N a (n− r)× (n− r). Now


)= det

(S−1 (A−µI)S

)= det

(S−1)det(S)det(A−µI) = det(A−µI)

and so this matrix in ∗ has the same eigenvalues with the same multiplicities as the matrixA. So consider the characteristic polynomial with variable µ of the matrix in ∗. Expandingrepeatedly along the first column, one obtains the characteristic polynomial is of the form

q(µ) = (µ−λ )r det(µI−N) = 0

and so the multiplicity of λ is at least r. ■This yields easily the following corollary which ties this theorem to Theorem 12.1.16.

12.1. EIGENVALUES AND EIGENVECTORS OF A MATRIX 259And now subtracting this from 12.11 yields0= Ci (Ay — Aw;) WiM=1and by independence of the {w1,--- , wx}, this requires c; (Ay — Aw,) = 0 for each i. Sincethe eigenvalues are distinct, Ay — Aw; # 0 and so each c; = 0. But from 12.10, this requiresv = 0 which is impossible because v is an eigenvector and| Eigenvectors are never equal to zero! | aDefinition 12.1.17 An n xn matrix A is called nondefective if and only if there exists abasis of eigenvectors for F”.In fact the geometric multiplicity is never larger than the algebraic multiplicity. Let Adenote an n x n matrix in what follows and we assume there is an eigenvalue A and F willdenote the field of scalars.Theorem 12.1.18 Let A be an eigenvalue for an n Xn matrix. Then its geometric multi-plicity is never larger than its algebraic multiplicity.Proof: Let {v;,---,v,} be a basis for the eigenspace corresponding to some A. Thenby Theorem 8.5.21, there is a longer list {vj,--- ,V,,U1,°-* ,U,—-} which is a basis for F”.Thus the matrix § = ( Vices Vy Uo) Uy ) is invertible. Say its inverse is1 TSs” =(a or: i b, eee bir )where a! v; = 6;;. Then S~'AS must be(a oa, byes Dyep yi (aw Ay, Aue Aun )DM(oN) 0where D is an r x r diagonal matrix having A down the main diagonal, M an r x (n—r),and N a (n—r) x (n—r). Nowand so S~!AS is of the formdet(S"'AS—l) = det(S~'(A—ypl)S)= det (S~') det(S) det (A — p/) = det (A — 1/)and so this matrix in * has the same eigenvalues with the same multiplicities as the matrixA. So consider the characteristic polynomial with variable u of the matrix in *. Expandingrepeatedly along the first column, one obtains the characteristic polynomial is of the formq(M) = (u—A)" det (ul —N) =0and so the multiplicity of A is at least r. HlThis yields easily the following corollary which ties this theorem to Theorem 12.1.16.