Corollary 12.1.19 Let A be an n× n matrix and suppose the characteristic polynomialfactors completely and that the eigenvalues are λ 1, · · · ,λ m. If no eigenvalue is defective,then A is nondefective. If some eigenvalue is defective, then A is defective.

Proof: Let{



j=1≡ β i be a basis for the eigenspace of λ i. First I claim that

{β 1, · · · ,β m}

is linearly independent. To see this, suppose wi ∈ span(β i) and ∑mi=1 wi = 0. Then by The-

orem 12.1.16, each wi = 0 since otherwise, you would have a nontrivial linear combinationof eigenvectors associated with distinct eigenvalues which is 0. Now suppose




ij = 0

Letting wi = ∑ j cijvi

j, it follows from what was just observed that each wi = 0. Now theindependence of the vectors in β i implies that for each i,ci

j = 0 for each j. Thus thesevectors {β 1, · · · ,β m} are linearly independent as claimed. Letting |β i| denote the dimen-sion of span(β i) , which equals the geometric multiplicity of λ i and letting mi denote thealgebraic multiplicity of λ i it follows that

∑i|β i| ≤ n = ∑


If each |β i| = mi, then A is nondefective because {β 1, · · · ,β m} will then be a basis ofeigenvectors. This is the case of no defective eigenvalues.

In case |β i|< mi for some i, then A must be defective because if not, you would have abasis of eigenvectors and you could let γ j be those which pertain to λ j. Then γ j would be

an independent set of vectors and therefore, the number of vectors in γ j denoted as∣∣∣γ j

∣∣∣ is

no more than∣∣∣β j

∣∣∣. But then,


∣∣∣γ j


∣∣∣β j

∣∣∣< ∑j

m j = n

and so, you would have fewer than n vectors in this basis of eigenvectors which cannotoccur. Hence A is defective. Thus if an eigenvalue is defective, the matrix is defective andif no eigenvalue is defective, then the matrix is nondefective. ■

12.1.6 DiagonalizationFirst of all, here is what it means for two matrices to be similar.

Definition 12.1.20 Let A,B be two n×n matrices. Then they are similar if and only if thereexists an invertible matrix S such that

A = S−1BS

Proposition 12.1.21 Define for n×n matrices A∼ B if A is similar to B. Then

A∼ A,

If A∼ B then B∼ A

If A∼ B and B∼C then A∼C

260 CHAPTER 12. SPECTRAL THEORYCorollary 12.1.19 Let A be an n x n matrix and suppose the characteristic polynomialfactors completely and that the eigenvalues are A,,---,Am. If no eigenvalue is defective,then A is nondefective. If some eigenvalue is defective, then A is defective.yiProof: Let {vi} - = B, bea basis for the eigenspace of A. First I claim that{Bis Bintis linearly independent. To see this, suppose w; € span(§;) and)", w; = 0. Then by The-orem 12.1.16, each w; = 0 since otherwise, you would have a nontrivial linear combinationof eigenvectors associated with distinct eigenvalues which is 0. Now supposeELey =oJij=Letting wi = Y; civi,independence of the vectors in 8; implies that for each i,ci = 0 for each j. Thus thesevectors {8 ,,---,8,,} are linearly independent as claimed. Letting |B;| denote the dimen-sion of span(B;), which equals the geometric multiplicity of A; and letting m; denote thealgebraic multiplicity of A; it follows that|B: <2 = Yomiiit follows from what was just observed that each w; = 0. Now theIf each |B ;| = mj, then A is nondefective because {B,,---,8,,,} will then be a basis ofeigenvectors. This is the case of no defective eigenvalues.In case |B ;| < m; for some i, then A must be defective because if not, you would have abasis of eigenvectors and you could let y; be those which pertain to A ;. Then y; would bean independent set of vectors and therefore, the number of vectors in y; denoted as \y, isno more than 6 il But then,yy, S Y|6,| <Yimj=nj j jand so, you would have fewer than n vectors in this basis of eigenvectors which cannotoccur. Hence A is defective. Thus if an eigenvalue is defective, the matrix is defective andif no eigenvalue is defective, then the matrix is nondefective.12.1.6 DiagonalizationFirst of all, here is what it means for two matrices to be similar.Definition 12.1.20 Let A,B be twon xn matrices. Then they are similar if and only if thereexists an invertible matrix S such thatA=S~'BSProposition 12.1.21 Define for n x n matrices A ~ B if A is similar to B. ThenA~A,IfA~BthnBr~aAIfA~BandB~C thenA~C