Is F (∑rk=1 bkxk) = F (x)?(





)−F (x) ,F




)−F (x)






































)= 0

Therefore, F (∑rk=1 bkxk)=F (x) and this shows RUx=Fx. From 13.12 and Lemma 13.3.7

R preserves distances. Therefore, by Lemma 13.4.4 R∗R = I. ■

13.5 The Singular Value DecompositionIn this section, A will be an m×n matrix. To begin with, here is a simple lemma.

Lemma 13.5.1 Let A be an m×n matrix. Then A∗A is self adjoint and all its eigenvaluesare nonnegative.

Proof: It is obvious that A∗A is self adjoint. Suppose A∗Ax = λx. Then λ |x|2 =(λx,x) = (A∗Ax,x) = (Ax,Ax)≥ 0. ■

Definition 13.5.2 Let A be an m×n matrix. The singular values of A are the square rootsof the positive eigenvalues of A∗A.

With this definition and lemma here is the main theorem on the singular value decom-position.

Theorem 13.5.3 Let A be an m×n matrix. Then there exist unitary matrices, U and V ofthe appropriate size such that

U∗AV =

(σ 00 0

)where σ is of the form

σ =

σ1 0

. . .

0 σ k

for the σ i the singular values of A.

13.5. THE SINGULAR VALUE DECOMPOSITION 317Is F (Dy) deX) = F (x)?(" (x has) —F(x),F e nas] ro)k=1 k=1(wr (ena). (fx-»))G (x biXK — : , (x DuXp — :(u [Eom] ,U [Em]k=1 k=1= [Enur-ox Fru 03) =0k=1 k=1Therefore, F ();_, b,X) =F (x) and this shows RUx = Fx. From 13.12 and Lemma 13.3.7R preserves distances. Therefore, by Lemma 13.4.4 R*R=J/. Hf13.5 The Singular Value DecompositionIn this section, A will be an m x n matrix. To begin with, here is a simple lemma.Lemma 13.5.1 Let A be an m xn matrix. Then A*A is self adjoint and all its eigenvaluesare nonnegative.Proof: It is obvious that A*A is self adjoint. Suppose A*Ax = Ax. Then A |x|? =(Ax, x) = (A*Ax, x) = (Ax,Ax) > 0.Definition 13.5.2 Let A be an m x n matrix. The singular values of A are the square rootsof the positive eigenvalues of A*A.With this definition and lemma here is the main theorem on the singular value decom-position.Theorem 13.5.3 Let A be an m Xx n matrix. Then there exist unitary matrices, U and V ofthe appropriate size such thaturav=( ° ©0 Owhere o is of the formfor the 0; the singular values of A.