Proof: By the above lemma and Theorem 13.2.14 there exists an orthonormal basis,{vi}n

i=1 such that A∗Avi = σ2i vi where σ2

i > 0 for i = 1, · · · ,k,(σ i > 0) and equals zero ifi > k. Thus for i > k, Avi = 0 because

(Avi,Avi) = (A∗Avi,vi) = (0,vi) = 0.

For i = 1, · · · ,k, define ui ∈ Fm by

ui ≡ σ−1i Avi.

Thus Avi = σ iui. Now

(ui,u j) =(

σ−1i Avi,σ

−1j Av j


σ−1i vi,σ

−1j A∗Av j


(σ−1i vi,σ

−1j σ

2jv j


σ j

σ i(vi,v j) = δ i j.

Thus {ui}ki=1 is an orthonormal set of vectors in Fm. Also,

AA∗ui = AA∗σ−1i Avi = σ

−1i AA∗Avi = σ

−1i Aσ

2i vi = σ

2i ui.

Now extend {ui}ki=1 to an orthonormal basis for all of Fm,{ui}m

i=1 and let

U ≡ (u1 · · ·um)

while V ≡ (v1 · · ·vn) . Thus U is the matrix which has the ui as columns and V is definedas the matrix which has the vi as columns. Then

U∗AV =





A(v1 · · ·vn) =





(σ1u1 · · ·σ kuk,0 · · ·0) =

(σ 00 0


where σ is given in the statement of the theorem. ■The singular value decomposition has as an immediate corollary the following interest-

ing result.

Corollary 13.5.4 Let A be an m×n matrix. Then the rank of A and A∗equals the numberof singular values.

Proof: Since V and U are unitary, it follows that

rank(A) = rank(U∗AV ) = rank

(σ 00 0

)= number of singular values.

Also since U,V are unitary,

rank(A∗) = rank(V ∗A∗U) = rank((U∗AV )∗


318 CHAPTER 13. MATRICES AND THE INNER PRODUCTProof: By the above lemma and Theorem 13.2.14 there exists an orthonormal basis,{v;}7_, such that A*Av; = o7v; where 07 > 0 for i= 1,--+ ,k,(0; > 0) and equals zero ifi>k. Thus fori > k, Av; = 0 because(Av;,Av;) = (A*Avi, v;) = (0,v;) = 0.For i= 1,--- ,k, define u; € F” byuj; = o; ‘Av.Thus Av; = oju;. Now(u;,uj) = (6; 'Avi 0; 'Av;) = (6; 'vi,0;'A*Avj)Oo;_ “ly. qg-le2y.) — Pi _= (6; Vi, 0; ojv;) =s. (Vi, Vj) = Oi).UThus {u;}4_, is an orthonormal set of vectors in F”. Also,AA*u; = AA*o; 'Av; = 0; 'AA*Av; = 0; 'Ao7v; = 07 ui.mNow extend {u;}4_, to an orthonormal basis for all of F”, {u;}/”and letU = (u,--- Up)while V = (v1 ---v,). Thus U is the matrix which has the u; as columns and V is definedas the matrix which has the v; as columns. Then*u uj7 xe: : 0U*AV = u; A(¥1-++V_) = u; (oyu, --- oO, u,,0---0) = ( 4 0**Unwhere o is given in the statement of the theorem. MfThe singular value decomposition has as an immediate corollary the following interest-ing result.Corollary 13.5.4 Let A be an m xn matrix. Then the rank of A and A* equals the numberof singular values.Proof: Since V and U are unitary, it follows that0rank(A) = rank(U*AV) nk ( 4 0 )= number of singular values.Also since U,V are unitary,rank (A*) = rank (V*A*U) = rank ((U*AV)*)