
F =


σ −σ ′ 00 0

)V ∗∣∣∣∣∣∣∣∣∣∣2





Thus A is approximated by A′ where A′ has rank l < r. In fact, it is also true that out ofall matrices of rank l, this A′ is the one which is closest to A in the Frobenius norm.

Thus A is approximated by A′ where A′ has rank l < r. In fact, it is also true that out ofall matrices of rank l, this A′ is the one which is closest to A in the Frobenius norm. Hereis roughly why this is so. First consider approximating 3 0 0 0

0 2 0 00 0 1 0

as well as possible with a rank 2 matrix. It seems clear that the one which will work best is 3 0 0 0

0 2 0 00 0 0 0

More generally if σ is a r× r diagonal matrix in which the positive diagonal entries aredecreasing from upper left to lower right, then the best rank l approximation to(

σ 00 0


would be (σ ′ 00 0

)where σ ′ is the upper left l× l corner of σ as in the above example.

Now suppose A is an m×n matrix. Let U,V be unitary and of the right size such that

U∗AV =

(σ r×r 0

0 0


Then suppose B approximates A as well as possible in the Frobenius norm. Then you wouldwant

∥A−B∥= ∥U∗AV −U∗BV∥=


σ r×r 00 0


∥∥∥∥∥to be as small as possible. Therefore, from the above discussion, you should have

U∗BV =

(σ ′ 00 0

),B =U

(σ ′ 00 0

)V ∗


A =U

(σ r×r 0

0 0

)V ∗

322 CHAPTER 13. MATRICES AND THE INNER PRODUCTo—o' 0 .U V0 0Thus A is approximated by A’ where A’ has rank / < r. In fact, it is also true that out ofall matrices of rank /, this A’ is the one which is closest to A in the Frobenius norm.Thus A is approximated by A’ where A’ has rank / < r. In fact, it is also true that out ofall matrices of rank /, this A’ is the one which is closest to A in the Frobenius norm. Hereis roughly why this is so. First consider approximating2 rpr k=||A —A’3 0 0 00 2 0 00 0 1 0as well as possible with a rank 2 matrix. It seems clear that the one which will work best is3 0 0 00 2 0 00 0 0 0More generally if o is a r x r diagonal matrix in which the positive diagonal entries aredecreasing from upper left to lower right, then the best rank / approximation tomSoowhere o” is the upper left / x / corner of o as in the above example.Now suppose A is an m x n matrix. Let U,V be unitary and of the right size such thatutav=( Orr0 0Then suppose B approximates A as well as possible in the Frobenius norm. Then you wouldwantOrxr O ) _Uepy0 0to be as small as possible. Therefore, from the above discussion, you should have. o’ 0 o’ 0 ‘uBV=( 0 | )B=Ul 4 g |Ywould be|A — B|| = ||U*AV — U*BV | =whereas