13.7 Moore Penrose Inverse∗

The singular value decomposition also has a very interesting connection to the problem ofleast squares solutions. Recall that it was desired to find x such that |Ax−y| is as small aspossible. Lemma 13.3.3 shows that there is a solution to this problem which can be foundby solving the system A∗Ax = A∗y. Each x which solves this system, solves the minimiza-tion problem as was shown in the lemma just mentioned. Now consider this equation forthe solutions of the minimization problem in terms of the singular value decomposition.

A∗︷ ︸︸ ︷V

(σ 00 0


A︷ ︸︸ ︷U

(σ 00 0

)V ∗x =

A∗︷ ︸︸ ︷V

(σ 00 0


Therefore, this yields the following upon using block multiplication and multiplying on theleft by V ∗. (

σ2 00 0

)V ∗x =

(σ 00 0

)U∗y. (13.15)

One solution to this equation which is very easy to spot is

x =V

(σ−1 0

0 0

)U∗y. (13.16)

This special x is denoted by A+y. The matrix V

(σ−1 0

0 0

)U∗ is denoted by A+. Thus

x just defined is a solution to the least squares problem of finding the x such that Ax isas close as possible to y. Suppose now that z is some other solution to this least squaresproblem. Thus from the above,(

σ2 00 0

)V ∗z =

(σ 00 0


and so, multiplying both sides by

(σ−2 0

0 0


(Ir×r 0

0 0

)V ∗z =

(σ−1 0

0 0


To make V ∗z as small as possible, you would have only the first r entries of V ∗z be nonzerosince the later ones will be zeroed out anyway so they are unnecessary. Hence

V ∗z =

(σ−1 0

0 0


and consequently

z =V

(σ−1 0

0 0

)U∗y≡ A+y

However, minimizing |V ∗z| is the same as minimizing |z| because V is unitary. Hence A+yis the solution to the least squares problem which has smallest norm.

13.7. MOORE PENROSE INVERSE* 32313.7. Moore Penrose Inverse*The singular value decomposition also has a very interesting connection to the problem ofleast squares solutions. Recall that it was desired to find x such that |Ax — y| is as small aspossible. Lemma 13.3.3 shows that there is a solution to this problem which can be foundby solving the system A*Ax = A*y. Each x which solves this system, solves the minimiza-tion problem as was shown in the lemma just mentioned. Now consider this equation forthe solutions of the minimization problem in terms of the singular value decomposition.A* A A*o 0 * o O * o 0 x4 U*U Vex=V U'y.Therefore, this yields the following upon using block multiplication and multiplying on theleft by V*.o- 0 o 0Vx= U*y. 13.15(“ 0 oo}? (13.15)One solution to this equation which is very easy to spot isx=V ( ° ) U*y. (13.16)0 O-1oO 0This special x is denoted by ATy. The matrix V 0 0 U* is denoted by At. Thusx just defined is a solution to the least squares problem of finding the x such that Ax isas close as possible to y. Suppose now that z is some other solution to this least squaresproblem. Thus from the above,2o 0 Vina o 0 uty0 0 0 0ao 0and so, multiplying both sides by 0 of}Irxr 0 Vag ( F' O Vary0 O 0 OTo make V*z as small as possible, you would have only the first r entries of V*z be nonzerosince the later ones will be zeroed out anyway so they are unnecessary. Henceo! 0Vz= U*( 0 oJ %-1oO 0z=V U*y=At( 0 | y yHowever, minimizing |V*z| is the same as minimizing |z| because V is unitary. Hence AT yis the solution to the least squares problem which has smallest norm.and consequently