2.1. MATRICES 41

is it possible to multiply these matrices. According to the above discussion it should be a2× 3 matrix of the form

First column︷ ︸︸ ︷(1 2 1

0 2 1

) 1



,Second column︷ ︸︸ ︷(

1 2 1

0 2 1

) 2



,Third column︷ ︸︸ ︷(

1 2 1

0 2 1

) 0




You know how to multiply a matrix times a vector and so you do so to obtain each of thethree columns. Thus(

1 2 1

0 2 1

) 1 2 0

0 3 1

−2 1 1

 =

(−1 9 3

−2 7 3


Here is another example.

Example 2.1.7 Multiply the following. 1 2 0

0 3 1

−2 1 1

( 1 2 1

0 2 1


First check if it is possible. This is of the form (3× 3) (2× 3) . The inside numbers do notmatch and so you can’t do this multiplication. This means that anything you write will beabsolute nonsense because it is impossible to multiply these matrices in this order. Aren’tthey the same two matrices considered in the previous example? Yes they are. It is justthat here they are in a different order. This shows something you must always rememberabout matrix multiplication.

Order Matters!

Matrix multiplication is not commutative. This is very different than multiplication ofnumbers!

2.1.1 The ijth Entry of a Product

It is important to describe matrix multiplication in terms of entries of the matrices. Whatis the ijth entry of AB? It would be the ith entry of the jth column of AB. Thus it wouldbe the ith entry of Abj . Now

bj =




and from the above definition, the ith entry is


AikBkj . (2.11)

2.1. MATRICES 41is it possible to multiply these matrices. According to the above discussion it should be a2 x 3 matrix of the formFirst column Second column Third column1 21 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 10 , 3 4,0 2 1 0 2 1 0 2 1—2 1You know how to multiply a matrix times a vector and so you do so to obtain each of thethree columns. Thus1 2 012 1 -1 9 30 3 «41 = .0 2 1 —2 7 3—2 1 1Here is another example.Example 2.1.7 Multiply the following.1 2 012 10 3 10 2 1—2 11First check if it is possible. This is of the form (3 x 3) (2 x 3). The inside numbers do notmatch and so you can’t do this multiplication. This means that anything you write will beabsolute nonsense because it is impossible to multiply these matrices in this order. Aren’tthey the same two matrices considered in the previous example? Yes they are. It is justthat here they are in a different order. This shows something you must always rememberabout matrix multiplication.Order Matters!Matrix multiplication is not commutative. This is very different than multiplication ofnumbers!2.1.1 The ij” Entry of a ProductIt is important to describe matrix multiplication in terms of entries of the matrices. Whatis the ij*” entry of AB? It would be the i*” entry of the j*” column of AB. Thus it wouldbe the i’” entry of Ab;. Nowand from the above definition, the i” entry isS> Ain Brj- (2.11)k=1