MEMORANDUM TO MR. MORGAN MEMORANDUM 27 March 1946 To: Mr. Morgan FROM: G. Osmond Hyde Will you please ascertain the whereabouts of the individuals named below and determine if they are available for questioning. These people were each referred to in the Interrogation of OSHIMA. I have set forth identifying the information as to each that was given by OSHIMA. 1. Capt. Abe , who went to Germany with the Ito Commission which arrived in Berlin in February 1939. OSHIMA (p.p. 50) stated he is in Switzerland and is now a Vice Admiral. It is probable that he is Abe, Kenichi, “Attache (Sweden)” No. 127 on the “A” list of Japanese aboard the “Tsukushi Maru”. This passenger boarded the “Plus Ultra” at Barcelona and was transferred to the “Tsukushi Maru” in the Manila Bay. 2. Commander Kojima , who was Naval Attache in the Japanese Embassy in Berlin in 1938 (p. 44 OSHIMA Trans.). On the “A” list of passengers aboard the “Tsukushi Maru”, under No. 123, appears the name Kojima, Masani, “Staff of Naval Attaches (Berlin)”. This passenger may be the person mentioned by OSHIMA. 3. A Mr. Takeuchi , who was on the Staff of the Japanese Embassy in 1939 worked on the preparation of suggested drafts of the proposed Tripartite Pact (p. 48 OSHIMA Trans.). On the “A” list of passengers Takeuchi, Geichi, “Attache (Sweden)”. This passenger may be the person mentioned by OSHIMA. 4. A Mr. Sugiura, who OSHIMA said was in Berne, Switzerland, and who was the Personal Secretary to OSHIMA while the latter was engaged in negotiations looking to the Tripartite Pact (p. 49 OSHIMA Trans. .). On the “A” list of passengers aboard the “Tsukushi Maru”, under No. 62, appears the name of Sugiura, Hiroshi, “Consul (Zurich)”. This passenger may be the person OSHIMA named. 5. Kase, Shunichi , (his name is written the same as the one time Japanese Minister to Switzerland), who was the original head of the overall division of the commission set up in Berlin under the Tripartite Pact (p. 110 OSHIMA Trans.). On the “B” list of passengers aboard the “Tsukushi Maru” 220