Memorandum to Mr. Morgan - those who boarded the “Plus Ultra” at Naples and thereafter transferred to the “Tsukushi Maru” in Manila Bay - under No. 4, appears the name of Kase, Shunichi. This passenger may be the person named by OSHIMA. 6. Rear Admiral Abe , who was on the Military Commission set up under the Tripartite Pact at Rome (p. 93 OSHIMA Trans. .) and who later replaced Admiral Nomura as the Naval member of the similar commission set up in Berlin (p. 167 OSHIMA Trans.). On the “A” list of passengers aboard the “Tsukushi Maru”, under No. 130, appears the name of Abe, Katsuo, “Staff of Naval Attache (Berlin)”. This passenger may be the person OSHIMA named. 7. Wakamatsu , who was a Lieutenant Colonel on duty in the German Division of the General Staff Headquarters in Tokyo in 1935. He was sent to Berlin in 1935 in connection with the proposed Anti-Comintern Pact. 8. Kasahara , who was a Major General on duty in the Japanese Embassy in Berlin in 1938. In August 1938 he was sent to Tokyo by OSHIMA in connection with the proposed Tripartite Pact. Thereafter he was Chief of Staff of the Kwantung Army. 9. Ito, Jusshi (also written as Nobufumi), who held the rank of Minister and was sent to Berlin in February 1939 as the head of the Ito Commission. He is believed to be in Tokyo or at his home in Zushi or Hayama. 10. Tasumi , who was a Lieutenant Colonel in 1939, and represented the Army General Staff on the Ito Commission which went to Berlin in February 1939. 11. Colonel Kawabe, Torashiro , who became Military Attache in Berlin when OSHIMA was named Ambassador in the fall of 1938. 12. Rear Admiral Endo who was Naval Attache in Berlin. 13. Mr. Usami , who was on the Staff of the Japanese Embassy in Berlin in 1939. 14. Minister Matsushima , who was the Economic Commissioner on the Berlin Commission set up under the Tripartite Pact. 15. Counselor Kawahara who part of the time during the war was head of that division of the Berlin Commission, set up under the Tripartite Pact, dealing in Political matters. 16. Ushiba , who was second secretary of the Japanese Embassy in Berlin in December 1941. 17. Colonel Kasahara, Tateo , who was head of the Russian Division of the General Staff in Tokyo in 1938. 18. Lieutenant General Mawaki , who at one time was on the Japanese Embassy Staff in Berlin. 221