INDEX Falkensee, 178 farewell party Nomura, Konoye, HIRANUMA, TOJO, Oikawa, MATSUOKA, Sugiyama, Kondo, 98 February 26, 1936 Affair assassination of three politicians, 199 fishery rights, 141 five man committee Konoye, Ugaki, Ikeda, ITAGAKI, Yonai, 39 five year plan Japan and Manchuria, 200 Furuta, 78 Fuschl, 30 Fushimi, 98 Gaus, 42, 56 draws up No Separate Peace Pact, 158 German Army surrounded at Moscow, 154 German desire to keep U.S. neutral, 103 German Invasion of Russia 22 June 1941 invasion, 149 German Military wants help in Russia, 150 German wish to remain neutral, 117 German-Japanese Society, 32 German-Russian relations, 144 Germany desired neutrality of U.S., 161 sending arms to China, 62 surprised, 161 Germany and Italy pact of May 1939, 61 Germany and Italy Pact 1939, 8 Germany and Japan secret agreement, 103 Go Cabinet Advisory Council, 203 Godo Minister of Commerce and Industry Hyashi Cabinet, 80 Renn Steel refining process, 80 South Manchurian Railway, 79 steel works in Manchuria, 79 Godo Takuo, 36 Greater East Asia, 91, 122 disposition, 173 Greater East Asia Bureau, 205 Groskurt, 185 Hachiro, Arita, 22 Hack, 18 Hara Kiri, 84 Hasegawa, 203 HASHIMOTO, Kingoro, 224 HATA, Shunroku, 224 Haushofer, Karl, 131, 132 Hayashi Cabinet falls in 1937, 201 Heinkel Aircraft, 18 Hess, Rudolph, 132 Himmler, 179 Jan. 31 1939, 180 report, 179 HIRANUMA, Kilchiro, 205, 224 Cabinet, 55 fall of cabinet, 206 HIROTA, Koki, 22, 224 Army takeover, 200 Cabinet 1936-7, 200 five year plan, 200 Foreign Minister chosen by Army, 199 Inner Group, 199 Yoshida, Arita, Tarauchi, 199 Hitler wishes for Japan, 9 inevitable war with Russia, 124 map of Singapore, 123 Non-Aggression Pact, 146 tells OSHIMA about impending invasion, 128 Hogen with MATSUOKA, 110 Homma, 34 Horikiri Ambassador to Italy, 161 HOSHINO, Naoki, 224 Hotta, 28 Huggins, Lt. Com. F.B., 64 Hull U.S. Secretary of State, 152 Ikeda, 39 Cabinet Advisory Council, 203 Ikoda, 202 Imperial Order ensures Military Control of Government, 200 Imperial Way Group opposed expansion, 202 Inaba, 32 Inner Group, 199 fundamental reform program, 200 takes precedence over Foreign Office, 204 intelligence gathering 240