INDEX White Russians, 6 Invasion of Russia OSHIMA suspected it in May, 128 Ishiwara, 200, 201 Hayashi Cabinet, 201 secret meeting, 200 split with Inner Group, 202 Ishiwata, 55 ITAGAKI, Seishiro, 36, 204, 224 Army, 55 Italy leaks, 168 Italy and Germany Pact 1939, 8 Itemized list of Messages needed, 216 Ito, Jusshi Commission’s purpose, 48 Commission, 7, 53 Government’s plan for Tripartite Pact, 45 Jushi is same as Nebufumi, 50 mission, 45 other countries than Russia, 46 Pact was against Communistic countries only, 46 Iwabuchi Manila Massacre, 67 Iwakuro, 118 Japan dilly-dallying, 56 Non-Aggression Pact with Russia, 140 protection of Northern frontiers, 141 Japan and Germany trade agreement, 206 Japan and Russia Non-Aggression Pact, 111, 142 Japan withraws from League of Nations, 204 Japan-Germany Military Alliance, 170 Japanese consulates to burn codes, 152 Japanese officer in Afganistan, 178 Japanese propaganda, 189 Japanese talks with U.S., 103 Japanese-Russian Non-Aggression Pact, 100 Kageyama, 139 Kamimura, 135 Kanin Chief of Staff, 41 Kasahara, 7, 34, 38, 41, 177 back from Japan, 43 Chief of Staff of Kwantung Army, 44 sent to Japan, 40 Kase Ambassador to Switzerland, 166 Minister to Switzerland, 127 to Moscow, 148 with MATSUOKA, 110 Kawabe Military Attache in Berlin, 44 Kawahara, 156 KAYA, Okinori, 224 Keitel, 170, 177 supply problems, 149 KIDO, Koichi, 224 Kikuchi, 135 Kimoto Personal Secretary, 49 KIMURA, Heitaro, 224 KOISO, Kuniaki, 202, 224 Kojima Naval Attache, 44 replaces Yokoi 1943, 167 Komatsu replaces Banzai, 167 Kondo, 98 Konoye attempts to end China war, 205 Foreign Minister, 28 Konoe, 190 new order, 204 plan for attack on Singapore ready, 190 Premier, 98 Prime Minister, 96 Prince, 28 to HIRANUMA, 205 tries to oppose Army, 205 Konoye Cabinet 1937-39, 201 falls, 205 War Policy Plan, 201 won’t regognize Kuomintang, 204 Kuomintang Chinese political party, 204 Kuomintang Communist United Front, 201 Kurusu, Saburō, 81, 84, 89, 100 lie about MATSUOKA, SHIRATORI, OSHIMA, 84 replaced OSHIMA as Ambassador, 81 Kwantung Army, 44, 202 Lueda Kenkichi, 20 Lukouchiao Incident, 203 Machida Cabinet Advisory Council, 203 Maginot Line, 76 241