INDEX education, 13 favors attacking Russia, 9 German Award, 214 ignorance of Japanese-American talks, 93 importance of his role, 10 justification for War using Tripartite Pact, 9 Lieutenant General, 6 meeting with Hitler, 70, 106 meets Hitler, 17 meets Mussolini and Ciano, 68 meets Ribbentrop, 17 Military Attache, 13 Military Attache 1934-38, 6 Mussolini 1938, 7 news of Invasion of Russia 10 June, 111 no instructions given him, 99 place of birth, 12 promotion, 27 resignation, 8, 14, 63 returned as Ambassador, 14 selective memory, 124 speaking German, 16 Staff of Military Attache 1921-23, 6 statement, 129 statement on MATSUOKA meeting, 113 suspects Russian invasion in May, 128 to be named a defendant, 10 trip to Berlin on Railroad, 92 unwilling to remember things, 109 villa at Chigasaki, 74 Ott, 167 Ambassador to Japan, 88 guilt by association, 88 Ott and Shleicher, 171 Oyama Incident, 203 Ozaki, 170 Communist, 204 statement against Kuomintang, 204 Pact of Steel, 96 Panay Incident, 203 Pearl Harbor Attack, 4, 67, 98, 118, 121, 156, 186 Philippines discussed, 9 Prince Kanin, 20 propaganda balloons, 178 Puyi, 24 Rapalle Treaty, 24 relations Russia and Germany, 144 Ribbentrop, 6, 100 conference, 186 Joachim, 17, 21 meeting about Singapore, 107 meetings, 18 possibility of pact with Russia, 56 villa in Sonnenburg, 38 Ribbentrop-MATSUOKA talks, 139 Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact, 69 Pact, 31, 56 Rudolf Hess, 132 Russia possible membership of Russia in Tripartite Pact, 117 Tripartite Pact, 140 Russia and Japan Non-Aggression Pact, 102, 111 Russian and German relations, 144 Russo-Japanese War, 4, 24, 131, 144 Sakai, 32 Sakamoto with MATSUOKA, 110 SATO, Kemryo, 224 Schleicher killed by Nazis, 171 last Chancellor of Germany before Hitler, 171 Schmidt linguist, 168 secret map, 138 Shanghai Battle, 67 SHIGEMITSU, Mamuro, 224 SHIMADA, Shigetaro, 171, 224 Shinier, 93 SHIRATORI, Toshio, 28, 46, 51, 61, 64, 70, 73, 80, 81, 84, 89, 96, 224 Ambassador to Italy, 7, 44, 52 Anti-Comitern Pact, 72 at Hitler’s birthday party, 56, 70 career diplomat, 50 involvement in Anti-Comintern Pact, 51 long conversation with Hitler, 71 meeting with OSHIMA, 52 Minister to Sweden, 71 possible conversations with Ribbentrop, 68 resignation, 64 sent to Rome, 212 speaking to Ribbentrop, 58 to persuade Italy to join the Tripartite Pact, 52 243