INDEX Tripartite Pact, 51, 53 Shiro Ishii sadistic experiments, 44 Shulenburg German Ambassador to Moscow, 145 Shunichi, Ueda informant, 199 with MATSUOKA, 110 Shuninbu, 38 Siberian border problems, 43 Singapore, 110 attack, 122, 139 attack planned, 189 attack recommended, 186 attacked by land, 187 map, 9, 118, 123, 138 meeting with Ribbentrop, 107 nature of map, 125 no promises, 109 plan of attack, 194 plans, 118 plans to attack it, 119 plot against, 9 possible attack, 117 preparations, 109 preparations for attack, 125 time to take it, 118 Sino-Japanese issue, 200 Solge, 169 Communist sympathizer, 88 Spratly Islands, 206 Stahmer, 168 German Ambassador to Japan, 63 in Japan, 87 Stalin assassination, 185 state controlled economies, 77 Steinhardt American Representative in Moscow, 100 Sudetenland, 70 Sugiura Personal Secretary, 49 Sugiyama Chief of Staff, 82, 96 suicide, 171 Suzuki, Kantaro, 202 SUZUKI, Teiichi, 205, 224 Tada, 34 Takashi, 78 Takemuchi, 48 talks MATSUOKA and Ribbentrop, 139 Tanaka combating Communism, 184 Tani Ambassador to Nanking, 78 Foreign Minister in TOJO Cabinet, 78 Tasumi, 43 Tatekawa Ambassador to Russia, 148 Taugita engineered Military takeover, 200 telegram from Ott December 5 1941, 169 Terauchi, 22 TOGO, Shigenori, 7, 217, 224 Ambassador to Russia, 42 new Foreign Minister, 153 TOJO, Hideki, 98, 200, 224 asked OSHIMA to return to Berlin, 8, 213 officer training school incident, 200 possible directions given to OSHIMA, 98 Sugiyama, SHIMADA, Nagano, 171 War Minister, 82, 96, 171 Toyoda, 98 Foreign Minister before TOGO, 153 trade pact Germany and Japan, 60 Germany and U.S.S.R., 58 treaty obligations not in the treaty, 123 Tripartite Pact, 37 Commission, 90, 126 discussed, 98 Kase, Kawahara, 127 no mention of unprovoked, 90 Principal object changed to U.S., 90 Ribbentrop, Galeazzo Ciano, Saburō Kurusu, 100 Russia principal concern, 45 secret documents, 91 secret understandings, 173 September 1940, 63 signed, 8 who it was against, 8 troop movements early in 1941, 147 Tsuda textile manufacturer, 78 U.S. possibility of war, 111 Ugaki, 28, 98 244