Definition 9.3.1 Let p > 1. Then f ∈C1/p ([0,1]) means that f ∈C ([0,1]) and also

ρ p ( f )≡ sup

{| f (x)− f (y)||x− y|1/p : x,y ∈ X , x ̸= y

}< ∞

Then the norm is defined as ∥ f∥C([0,1])+ρ p ( f )≡ ∥ f∥1/p.

It is an exercise to verify that C1/p ([0,1]) is a complete normed linear space.Let p > 1. Then C1/p ([0,1]) is not separable. Define uncountably many functions, one

for each ε where ε is a sequence of −1 and 1. Thus εk ∈ {−1,1}. Thus ε ̸= ε′ if the two

sequences differ in at least one slot, one giving 1 and the other equaling −1. Now define

fε (t)≡∞


εk2−k/p sin(


Then this is 1/p Holder. Let s < t.

| fε (t)− fε (s)| ≤ ∑k≤|log2(t−s)|

∣∣∣2−k/p sin(

2kπt)−2−k/p sin



+ ∑k>|log2(t−s)|

∣∣∣2−k/p sin(

2kπt)−2−k/p sin



If t = 1 and s= 0, there is really nothing to show because then the difference equals 0. Thereis also nothing to show if t = s. From now on, 0 < t− s < 1. Let k0 be the largest integerwhich is less than or equal to |log2 (t− s)| = − log2 (t− s). Note that − log(t− s) > 0because 0 < t− s < 1. Then

| fε (t)− fε (s)| ≤ ∑k≤k0

∣∣∣2−k/p sin(

2kπt)−2−k/p sin



+ ∑k>k0

∣∣∣2−k/p sin(

2kπt)−2−k/p sin



≤ ∑k≤k0

2−k/p2kπ |t− s|+ ∑



Now k0 ≤ − log2 (t− s) < k0 + 1 and so −k0 ≥ log2 (t− s) ≥ −(k0 +1). Hence 2−k0 ≥|t− s| ≥ 2−k02−1 and so 2−k0/p ≥ |t− s|1/p ≥ 2−k0/p2−1/p. Using this in the sums,

| fε (t)− fε (s)| ≤ |t− s|Cp + ∑k>k0


≤ |t− s|Cp + ∑k>k0


21/p |t− s|1/p)


204 CHAPTER 9. WEIERSTRASS APPROXIMATION THEOREMDefinition 9.3.1 Let p > 1. Then f € C'/? ([0,1]) means that f € C ({0,1]) and alsoIf) —f0)|ppl =| Vp vex atyh cmIx — |Then the norm is defined as ||f\|c(jo,1)) +P p J) = lf llayp-It is an exercise to verify that C!/? ({0, 1]) is a complete normed linear space.Let p > 1. Then C!/? ({0, 1]) is not separable. Define uncountably many functions, onefor each € where € is a sequence of —1 and 1. Thus €, € {—1,1}. Thus e ¥ €’ if the twosequences differ in at least one slot, one giving | and the other equaling —1. Now definefeth=¥ €,.2-*/P sin (2'zr)k=1Then this is 1/p Holder. Let s <1.lfe(t)—fe(s])< 2-*/P sin (2'zr) —2-*/P sin (2's) |k<|logs(t—s)|+ [2 */Psin (2kxr) —2-WPsin (247)k>|logx(t—)|Ift = 1 and s =0, there is really nothing to show because then the difference equals 0. Thereis also nothing to show if tf = s. From now on, 0 <t—s < 1. Let ko be the largest integerwhich is less than or equal to |log, (t—s)| = —log, (t—s). Note that —log(t—s) > 0because 0 <t—s < 1. Thenlfe(t)—fe(s)| < 2» j2-Kp sin (2'zr) —2-*/P sin (2's) |+ y? ja sin (2'xr) —2-*/P sin (2's)k>ko< Y 2Pakn|r—s|+ YP 2-*/P2k<ko k>koNow ko < —log, (t—s) < ko +1 and so —ko > log, (t—s) > —(ko +1). Hence 2~*0 >\t —s| > 2-2-1 and so 2~'0/P > |¢ —5|!/? > 2-*0/P2-1/P, Using this in the sums,fe (t) — fe (s)| < t—s]Cp + Y 2-*/P2ko/pg-ho/pgk>ko<|t—s|Cp + Y 2-#/P pole (2"/" ir—s|"/) 2k>ko