9.4. EXERCISES 205

≤ |t− s|Cp + ∑k>k0


21/p |t− s|1/p)


≤ Cp |t− s|+(

21+1/p) ∞


2−k/p |t− s|1/p

= Cp |t− s|+Dp |t− s|1/p ≤Cp |t− s|1/p +Dp |t− s|1/p

Thus fε is indeed 1/p Holder continuous.Now consider ε ̸= ε

′. Suppose the first discrepancy in the two sequences occurs withε j. Thus one is 1 and the other is −1. Let t = i+1

2 j+1 ,s =i

2 j+1

| fε (t)− fε (s)− ( fε ′ (t)− fε ′ (s))|=∣∣∣∣∣ ∑∞k= j εk2−k/p sin



∞k= j εk2−k/p sin



∑∞k= j ε ′k2−k/p sin



∞k= j ε ′k2−k/p sin


)) ∣∣∣∣∣Now consider what happens for k > j. Then sin


i2 j+1

)= sin(mπ) = 0for some integer

m. Thus the whole mess reduces to∣∣∣∣(ε j− ε′j)

2− j/p sin(

2 jπ (i+1)2 j+1

)−(ε j− ε


2− j/p sin(

2 jπi2 j+1


∣∣∣∣(ε j− ε′j)

2− j/p sin(

π (i+1)2

)−(ε j− ε


2− j/p sin(


)∣∣∣∣= 2

(2− j/p

)In particular, |t− s|= 1

2 j+1 so 21/p |t− s|1/p = 2− j/p

| fε (t)− fε (s)− ( fε ′ (t)− fε ′ (s))|= 2(

21/p)|t− s|1/p

which shows that


| fε (t)− fε ′ (t)− ( fε (s)− fε ′ (s))||t− s|1/p ≥ 21/p (2)

Thus there exists a set of uncountably many functions in C1/p ([0,T ]) and for any two ofthem f ,g, you get

∥ f −g∥C1/p([0,1]) > 2

so C1/p ([0,1]) is not separable.

9.4 Exercises1. Let (X ,τ) ,(Y,η) be topological spaces and let A⊆ X be compact. Then if f : X→Y

is continuous, show that f (A) is also compact.

9.4. EXERCISES 205< |t—s|Cp+ Y 2-6 )/P (2'/"|r—s|'/)2k>ko< C,|t—s|+ (2't1/”) y 2-H? |p — s|/k=1= C,|t—s|+Dp,|t—s|'/? <C,|t—s|\/? +D, |t—s|!/?Thus f¢ is indeed 1/p Holder continuous.Now consider ¢ 4 €’. Suppose the first discrepancy in the two sequences occurs with€;. Thus one is 1 and the other is —1. Lett = a = AIfe (t) — fe (8) — Fe (t) — fe (8) =ve x2 */? sin (24a) — De; €x2-*/? sin (2*a5)— (De jep2MP sin (24m) — Le; e,2-4/” sin (2s) JiNow consider what happens for k > j. Then sin (2'x xi) = sin (mz) = Ofor some integerm. Thus the whole mess reduces toay .. (Ua (i+1) ity. (2 Ui(e;—e/) 2 JIP sin (A) —(e;-€))2 J/P gin (55)jp. (BGFD) jp. [ Hi(e;—e/,) 2//? sin (#5 )-(e-e)2 J/P sin (=)= 2 (2-/”)In particular, |t —s| = shy so 2!/? \t —s|!/? =2-J/PIfe (0) — fe(s) — fe (#) — fe (8) | =2 (24?) |e = 5"?which shows thatsup |fe (t) — fe (t) — (fe (s) — fe (s))|> 21/P (2)O<s<t<l lr —s|!/?Thus there exists a set of uncountably many functions in C!/? ({0,7]) and for any two ofthem f,g, you getII f — 8llet/e(1o,1)) >2so C!/P ({0, 1]) is not separable.9.4 Exercises1. Let (X,7),(Y,1)) be topological spaces and let A C X be compact. Then if f: X > Yis continuous, show that f (A) is also compact.