Lemma 11.3.2 If {An} is an increasing sequence in [−∞,∞], then sup{An}= limn→∞ An.

The following lemma is useful also and this is a good place to put it. First{

b j}∞

j=1 isan enumeration of the ai j if


b j}= ∪i, j

{ai j}.

In other words, the countable set,{

ai j}∞

i, j=1 is listed as b1,b2, · · · .

Lemma 11.3.3 Let ai j ≥ 0. Then ∑∞i=1 ∑

∞j=1 ai j = ∑

∞j=1 ∑

∞i=1 ai j. Also if

{b j}∞

j=1 is anyenumeration of the ai j, then ∑

∞j=1 b j = ∑

∞i=1 ∑

∞j=1 ai j.

Proof: First note there is no trouble in defining these sums because the ai j are allnonnegative. If a sum diverges, it only diverges to ∞ and so ∞ is written as the answer.



ai j ≥ supn




ai j = supn






ai j

= supn






ai j = supn




ai j =∞



ai j. (11.3.10)

Interchanging the i and j in the above argument the first part of the lemma is proved.Finally, note that for all p,



b j ≤∞



ai j

and so ∑∞j=1 b j ≤ ∑

∞i=1 ∑

∞j=1 ai j. Now let m,n > 1 be given. Then





ai j ≤p


b j

where p is chosen large enough that{

b1, · · · ,bp}⊇{

ai j : i≤ m and j ≤ n}. Therefore,

since such a p exists for any choice of m,n,it follows that for any m,n,





ai j ≤∞


b j.

Therefore, taking the limit as n→ ∞,




ai j ≤∞


b j

and finally, taking the limit as m→ ∞,



ai j ≤∞


b j

proving the lemma.

236 CHAPTER 11. ABSTRACT MEASURE AND INTEGRATIONLemma 11.3.2 /f {A,} is an increasing sequence in |—%°, ©], then sup {Ay } = limp sco An.The following lemma is useful also and this is a good place to put it. First {b ijt isan enumeration of the a;; ifUe {bj i} = Ui fai; } .In other words, the countable set, {aj itij- , 1s listed as b, ,b2,--Lemma 11.3.3 Let aj; > 0. Then Y=) Vi) 4ij = Lj Viz Uj. Also if {bi} is anyenumeration of the ajj, then Yi, bj = Li) Lj=1 Gij-Proof: First note there is no trouble in defining these sums because the q;j; are allnonnegative. If a sum diverges, it only diverges to o and so ~ is written as the answer.co 000 my aij > sup Yai = sup lim. yj=li=l n j=li= j=li=~ sup fim Ye Daas = sup Ye Yeas = De De ay (11.3.10)Interchanging the i and j in the above argument the first part of the lemma is proved.Finally, note that for all p,naij1where p is chosen large enough that {b yo bp} > {aij :i<mandj< nh. Therefore,since such a p exists for any choice of m,n,it follows that for any m,n,bhwskhIMsTherefore, taking the limit as n + ©,MesMs:iAMsiTnaiand finally, taking the limit as m — 9,MswrAMsll=a.llmnnllaproving the lemma.