which converges to 0. Since {I (|sn|)} is a Cauchy sequence, it is bounded by a constant Cand also {|sn|} is a sequence of simple functions of the right sort which converges pointwiseto | f | and so by definition, ∫

| f |dµ = I ( f ) = limn→∞

I (|sn|)≤C.

This shows the only if part.The more interesting part is the if part. Suppose then that f is measurable and

∫| f |dµ <

∞. Suppose first that f has values in [0,∞). It is necessary to obtain the sequence of com-plex simple functions. By Theorem 11.3.9, there exists a sequence of nonnegative simplefunctions, {sn} such that sn (ω) ↑ f (ω). Then by the monotone convergence theorem,


∫(2 f − ( f − sn))dµ =

∫2 f dµ

and so


∫( f − sn)dµ = 0.

Letting m be large enough, it follows∫( f − sm)dµ < ε and so if n > m∫

|sm− sn|dµ ≤∫| f − sm|dµ < ε.

Therefore, f ∈ L1 (Ω) because {sn} is a suitable sequence.The general case follows from considering positive and negative parts of real and imag-

inary parts of f . These are each measurable and nonnegative and their integral is finite soeach is in L1 (Ω) by what was just shown. Thus

f = Re f+−Re f−+ i(Im f+− Im f−

)and so f ∈ L1 (Ω). This proves the corollary.

Theorem 11.4.9 (Dominated Convergence theorem) Let fn ∈ L1(Ω) and suppose

f (ω) = limn→∞


and there exists a measurable function g, with values in [0,∞],3 such that

| fn(ω)| ≤ g(ω) and∫

g(ω)dµ < ∞.

Then f ∈ L1(Ω) and ∫f dµ = lim


∫fndµ .

3Note that, since g is allowed to have the value ∞, it is not known that g ∈ L1 (Ω) .

254 CHAPTER 11. ABSTRACT MEASURE AND INTEGRATIONwhich converges to 0. Since {/(|s,|)} is a Cauchy sequence, it is bounded by a constant Cand also {|s,|} is a sequence of simple functions of the right sort which converges pointwiseto | f| and so by definition,[flaw =1(f) = fim 1(jonl) <¢.This shows the only if part.The more interesting part is the if part. Suppose then that f is measurable and [ |f|du <oo, Suppose first that f has values in [0,¢). It is necessary to obtain the sequence of com-plex simple functions. By Theorem 11.3.9, there exists a sequence of nonnegative simplefunctions, {s,} such that s, (@) + f (@). Then by the monotone convergence theorem,lim | (2f—(f—sn))du = [ 2Fdnooand solim | (f —s,))du =0.n—-ooLetting m be large enough, it follows [ (f —sm)dp < € and so ifn >mJ lsm—sula < [if slau <€.Therefore, f € L' (Q) because {s,,} is a suitable sequence.The general case follows from considering positive and negative parts of real and imag-inary parts of f. These are each measurable and nonnegative and their integral is finite soeach is in L' (Q) by what was just shown. Thusf=Ref*—Ref +i(Imft—Imf_)and so f € L! (Q). This proves the corollary.Theorem 11.4.9 (Dominated Convergence theorem) Let fy € L'(Q) and supposef(@) = lim f,(o),n—-ooand there exists a measurable function g, with values in [0, co], such thatVfal©)| < (0) and | g(o)dy <a.Then f € L'(Q) andJ faw = jim | fra.3Note that, since g is allowed to have the value ©, it is not known that g € L! (Q).