11.4. THE SPACE L1 255

Proof: f is measurable by Theorem 11.1.8. Since | f | ≤ g, it follows that

f ∈ L1(Ω) and | f − fn| ≤ 2g.

By Fatou’s lemma (Theorem 11.3.18),∫2gdµ ≤ lim inf


∫2g−| f − fn|dµ


2gdµ− lim supn→∞

∫| f − fn|dµ.


2gdµ ,

0≤− lim supn→∞

∫| f − fn|dµ.


0 ≥ lim supn→∞

(∫| f − fn|dµ)≥ lim sup


∣∣∣∣∫ f dµ−∫


∣∣∣∣≥ lim inf


∣∣∣∣∫ f dµ−∫


∣∣∣∣≥ 0.

This proves the theorem by Lemma 11.3.17 on Page 247 because the limsup and liminfare equal.

Corollary 11.4.10 Suppose fn ∈ L1 (Ω) and f (ω) = limn→∞ fn (ω) . Suppose also thereexist measurable functions, gn, g with values in [0,∞] such that


∫gndµ =


gn (ω)→ g(ω) µ a.e. and both∫

gndµ and∫

gdµ are finite. Also suppose | fn (ω)| ≤gn (ω) . Then


∫| f − fn|dµ = 0.

Proof: It is just like the above. This time g+gn−| f − fn| ≥ 0 and so by Fatou’s lemma,∫2gdµ− lim sup


∫| f − fn|dµ =

lim infn→∞

∫(gn +g)− lim sup


∫| f − fn|dµ

= lim infn→∞

∫((gn +g)−| f − fn|)dµ ≥


and so − limsupn→∞

∫| f − fn|dµ ≥ 0.

Definition 11.4.11 Let E be a measurable subset of Ω.∫E

f dµ ≡∫

f XEdµ.

11.4. THE SPACE L! 255Proof: f is measurable by Theorem 11.1.8. Since |f| < g, it follows thatf €L'(Q) and |f — fal < 2g.By Fatou’s lemma (Theorem 11.3.18),[esau < tim int, [2¢—|F— fuldwn—oo[san tim sup [\f— faldu.n—sooSubtracting f2gdu,0<-—lim sup | |f—f,ldp.n—oo[tan f fedHence0 > limsup(/ |f—fildu) 2 lim supn-oo[nf ta 20> lim infn—ooThis proves the theorem by Lemma 11.3.17 on Page 247 because the limsup and liminfare equal.Corollary 11.4.10 Suppose fy € L'(Q) and f (@) =limy+ fn (@). Suppose also thereexist measurable functions, Zn, g with values in |0, °°] such thatim sndu= | gdp.&n(@) > g(@) LW ae. and both f gndu and f gd are finite. Also suppose |\f,(@)| <8n(@). Thenlim, [ \f —fuldu =0.Proof: It is just like the above. This time g+, —|f — f,| > 0 and so by Fatou’s lemma,J 2sau —tim sup [|p faldu =noolim inf, (gn +g) —lim sup | |f—f,ldun—-y0o= lim int [ (gn) —[f—fil)du > | 2edyand so —limsup,,_,..{ |f—frldpu = 0.Definition 11.4.11 Let E be a measurable subset of Q.[ faus [£%cau.