If L1(E) is written, the σ algebra is defined as

{E ∩A : A ∈F}

and the measure is µ restricted to this smaller σ algebra. Clearly, if f ∈ L1(Ω), then

f XE ∈ L1(E)

and if f ∈ L1(E), then letting f̃ be the 0 extension of f off of E, it follows f̃ ∈ L1(Ω).

11.5 Vitali Convergence TheoremThe Vitali convergence theorem is a convergence theorem which in the case of a finitemeasure space is superior to the dominated convergence theorem.

Definition 11.5.1 Let (Ω,F ,µ) be a measure space and let S ⊆ L1(Ω). S is uniformlyintegrable if for every ε > 0 there exists δ > 0 such that for all f ∈S


Ef dµ|< ε whenever µ(E)< δ .

Lemma 11.5.2 If S is uniformly integrable, then |S| ≡ {| f | : f ∈ S} is uniformly inte-grable. Also S is uniformly integrable if S is finite.

Proof: Let ε > 0 be given and suppose S is uniformly integrable. First suppose thefunctions are real valued. Let δ be such that if µ (E)< δ , then∣∣∣∣∫E

f dµ

∣∣∣∣< ε


for all f ∈S. Let µ (E)< δ . Then if f ∈S,∫E| f |dµ ≤

∫E∩[ f≤0]

(− f )dµ +∫

E∩[ f>0]f dµ


∣∣∣∣∫E∩[ f≤0]f dµ

∣∣∣∣+ ∣∣∣∣∫E∩[ f>0]f dµ





2= ε.

In general, if S is a uniformly integrable set of complex valued functions, the inequalities,∣∣∣∣∫ERe f dµ

∣∣∣∣≤ ∣∣∣∣∫Ef dµ

∣∣∣∣ , ∣∣∣∣∫EIm f dµ

∣∣∣∣≤ ∣∣∣∣∫Ef dµ

∣∣∣∣ ,imply ReS ≡ {Re f : f ∈S} and ImS ≡ {Im f : f ∈S} are also uniformly integrable.Therefore, applying the above result for real valued functions to these sets of functions, itfollows |S| is uniformly integrable also.

256 CHAPTER 11. ABSTRACT MEASURE AND INTEGRATIONIf L'(E) is written, the o algebra is defined as{ENA:AE F¥}and the measure is p restricted to this smaller o algebra. Clearly, if f € L'(Q), thenf %e € LE)and if f € L'(E), then letting f be the 0 extension of f off of E, it follows f € L'(Q).11.5 Vitali Convergence TheoremThe Vitali convergence theorem is a convergence theorem which in the case of a finitemeasure space is superior to the dominated convergence theorem.Definition 11.5.1 Let (Q,.%,W) be a measure space and let 6 C L'(Q). © is uniformlyintegrable if for every € > 0 there exists 6 > 0 such that for all f € ©|| fan < € whenever U(E) < 6.ELemma 11.5.2 If G is uniformly integrable, then |G| = {|f|: f € G} is uniformly inte-grable. Also © is uniformly integrable if G is finite.Proof: Let € > 0 be given and suppose G is uniformly integrable. First suppose thefunctions are real valued. Let 6 be such that if u (E) < 6, then[olsfor all f € G. Let w(E£) < 6. Thenif f EG,firiaw < fo pdws fo faE En[f<0] En[f>0]= |/ ran +| [ | fay|En[f<0] EN f>0]< £48 L¢2° 2 ~In general, if G is a uniformly integrable set of complex valued functions, the inequalities,[Re ran] <| [ray [rmran] <| [ranimply ReG = {Ref : f € G} and ImG = {Imf: f € G} are also uniformly integrable.Therefore, applying the above result for real valued functions to these sets of functions, itfollows |G] is uniformly integrable also.’ d