Note that if E = A×B as above, then∫ ∫XE (x,y)dµdν =

∫ ∫XA×B (x,y)dµdν

=∫ ∫

XA (x)XB (y)dµdν = µ (A)ν (B) = ρ (E)

and so there is no contradiction between 12.9.31 and 12.9.30.The first goal is to show that for Q ∈R, 12.9.32 and 12.9.33 both hold. That is, x→

XQ (x,y) is µ measurable for all y and y→∫

XQ (x,y)dµ is ν measurable. This is done sothat it is possible to speak of ρ (Q) . The following lemma will be the fundamental resultwhich will make this possible. First here is a picture.





Lemma 12.9.2 Given C×D and {Ai×Bi}ni=1 , there exist finitely many disjoint rectangles,

{C′i ×D′i}pi=1 such that none of these sets intersect any of the Ai×Bi, each set is contained

in C×D and



k=1C′k×D′k)= (C×D)∪ (∪n

i=1Ai×Bi) .

Proof: From the above picture, you see that

(C×D)\ (A1×B1) =C× (D\B1)∪ (C \A1)× (D∩B1)

and these last two sets are disjoint, have empty intersection with A1×B1, and

(C× (D\B1)∪ (C \A1)× (D∩B1))∪ (∪ni=1Ai×Bi) = (C×D)∪ (∪n


Now suppose disjoint sets,{

C̃i× D̃i


i=1have been obtained, each being a subset of C×D

such that(∪n


k=1C̃k× D̃k

)= (∪n

i=1Ai×Bi)∪ (C×D)

and for all k, C̃k× D̃k has empty intersection with each set of {Ai×Bi}pi=1 . Then using the

same procedure, replace each of C̃k× D̃k with finitely many disjoint rectangles such thatnone of these intersect Ap+1×Bp+1 while preserving the union of all the sets involved. Theprocess stops when you have gotten to n. This proves the lemma.

Lemma 12.9.3 If Q = ∪∞i=1Ai×Bi ∈R, then there exist disjoint sets, of the form A′i×B′i

such that Q = ∪∞i=1A′i×B′i, each A′i×B′i is a subset of some Ai×Bi, and A′i ∈ S while

12.9. PRODUCT MEASURES 307Note that if E = A x B as above, then| [2elexauav =f [ Paco(s.y)duav/ / Xs (x) Xp (y)dudv = w (A) v(B) = p (E)and so there is no contradiction between 12.9.31 and 12.9.30.The first goal is to show that for Q € &, 12.9.32 and 12.9.33 both hold. That is, x >Xo (x,y) is u measurable for all y and y > f 2%Q (x,y) dp is v measurable. This is done sothat it is possible to speak of p (Q). The following lemma will be the fundamental resultwhich will make this possible. First here is a picture.ACcLemma 12.9.2 Given C x D and {A; x B;}'_, , there exist finitely many disjoint rectangles,{C! x Di po , such that none of these sets intersect any of the A; x B;, each set is containedinC x Dand(Ui, Aj x Bj) U (URC x Dy) = (C x D) U (UL Ai x Bi).Proof: From the above picture, you see that(C x D)\ (Ai x B}) =C x (D\ Bi) U(C\A1) x (DNB)and these last two sets are disjoint, have empty intersection with A; x B,, and(C x (D\ B)U(C\ Ay) x (DAB1)) U (UL, Aj x Bi) = (C x D) U (UL, Aj x Bi)mNow suppose disjoint sets, {¢ x Di;such that| have been obtained, each being a subset of C x Di=(UE Ai x B;) U (UG x Dr) = (UZ Ai x B;) U (C x D)and for all k, Cy x Dy has empty intersection with each set of {A; x Bie ,- Then using thesame procedure, replace each of Cy x Dy with finitely many disjoint rectangles such thatnone of these intersect Ap. x By+1 while preserving the union of all the sets involved. Theprocess stops when you have gotten to n. This proves the lemma.Lemma 12.9.3 If Q = U3, A; x B; € &, then there exist disjoint sets, of the form A‘, x Br,such that Q = U?_,A} x Bi, each Aj, x By is a subset of some A; x B;, and A’ € SY while