B′i ∈ T . Also, the intersection of finitely many sets of R is a set of R. For ρ defined in12.9.31, it follows that 12.9.32 and 12.9.33 hold for any element of R. Furthermore,

ρ (Q) = ∑i


ν(B′i)= ∑



Proof: Let Q be given as above. Let A′1×B′1 =A1×B1. By Lemma 12.9.2, it is possibleto replace A2×B2 with finitely many disjoint rectangles, {A′i×B′i}

m2i=2 such that none of

these rectangles intersect A′1×B′1, each is a subset of A2×B2, and

∪∞i=1Ai×Bi =


i=1A′i×B′i)∪ (∪∞


Now suppose disjoint rectangles, {A′i×B′i}mpi=1 have been obtained such that each rectangle

is a subset of Ak×Bk for some k ≤ p and

∪∞i=1Ai×Bi =




By Lemma 12.9.2 again, there exist disjoint rectangles {A′i×B′i}mp+1i=mp+1 such that each is

contained in Ap+1×Bp+1, none have intersection with any of {A′i×B′i}mpi=1 and

∪∞i=1Ai×Bi =


i=1 A′i×B′i)∪(∪∞


Note that no change is made in {A′i×B′i}mpi=1 . Continuing this way proves the existence of

the desired sequence of disjoint rectangles, each of which is a subset of at least one of theoriginal rectangles and such that

Q = ∪∞i=1A′i×B′i.

It remains to verify x→XQ (x,y) is µ measurable for all y and


XQ (x,y)dµ

is ν measurable whenever Q ∈ R. Let Q ≡ ∪∞i=1Ai×Bi ∈ R. Then by the first part of

this lemma, there exists {A′i×B′i}∞

i=1 such that the sets are disjoint and ∪∞i=1A′i×B′i = Q.

Therefore, since the sets are disjoint,

XQ (x,y) =∞


XA′i×B′i(x,y) =



(y) .

It follows x→XQ (x,y) is measurable. Now by the monotone convergence theorem,∫XQ (x,y)dµ =

∫ ∞












308 CHAPTER 12. THE CONSTRUCTION OF MEASURESBi € J. Also, the intersection of finitely many sets of & is a set of #. For p defined in12.9.31, it follows that 12.9.32 and 12.9.33 hold for any element of &. Furthermore,= Yu (ai) v (Bt) =Yop (Ah).Proof: Let Q be given as above. Let Aj x Bi, =A, x B,. By Lemma 12.9.2, it is possibleto replace Az x Bz with finitely many disjoint rectangles, {Aj x B’ rye such that none ofthese rectangles intersect A, x B’, each is a subset of Az x Bz, andUs Aj x By = (U22,A} x BY) U (Ug3Ak x Be)Now suppose disjoint rectangles, {A‘ x Bi avs have been obtained such that each rectangleis a subset of A, x B, for some k < p andUe Ai x B= (U7? At x Bi) U (Ug py1Ak x Bx) .Mp+1i=mp+. . : . : mcontained in Ap+1 X Bp41, none have intersection with any of {A/ x B *}, 2, andBy Lemma 12.9.2 again, there exist disjoint rectangles {Aj x Bi} , Such that each isUr Ai x B= (ual x Bi) U (Ug poe x Bx) .Note that no change is made in {A} x B} a . Continuing this way proves the existence ofthe desired sequence of disjoint rectangles, each of which is a subset of at least one of theoriginal rectangles and such thatOQ =U, A; x Bi.It remains to verify x + %Q (x,y) is u measurable for all y andy+ | Zolwy)duis V measurable whenever O € &. Let OQ = U2, A; x B; € &. Then by the first part ofthis lemma, there exists {A‘ x B/}-" , such that the sets are disjoint and U?_,A/ x Bi = Q.Therefore, since the sets are disjoint,MmXo ( =Y Fine (x,y) =i=l iKyi (x) Zp (y)-It follows x + 2% (x,y) is measurable. Now by the monotone convergence theorem,| %olxy)au = » Kus (x) By (diy Fy, y) | By (dui=- y 2 (y) 1 (Al)