It follows y→∫

XQ (x,y)dµ is measurable and so by the monotone convergence theoremagain, ∫ ∫

XQ (x,y)dµdν =∫ ∞











µ(A′i). (12.9.34)

This shows the measurability conditions, 12.9.32 and 12.9.33 hold for Q ∈ R and alsoestablishes the formula for ρ (Q) , 12.9.34.

If ∪iAi×Bi and ∪ jC j×D j are two sets of R, then their intersection is

∪i∪ j (Ai∩C j)× (Bi∩D j)

a countable union of measurable rectangles. Thus finite intersections of sets of R are in R.This proves the lemma.

Now note that from the definition of R if you have a sequence of elements of R thentheir union is also in R. The next lemma will enable the definition of an outer measure.

Lemma 12.9.4 Suppose {Ri}∞

i=1 is a sequence of sets of R then

ρ (∪∞i=1Ri)≤


ρ (Ri) .

Proof: Let Ri = ∪∞j=1Ai

j×Bij. Using Lemma 12.9.3, let {A′m×B′m}

m=1 be a sequenceof disjoint rectangles each of which is contained in some Ai

j×Bij for some i, j such that

∪∞i=1Ri = ∪∞


Now defineSi ≡

{m : A′m×B′m ⊆ Ai

j×Bij for some j


It is not important to consider whether some m might be in more than one Si. The importantthing to notice is that

∪m∈SiA′m×B′m ⊆ ∪∞


j = Ri.

Then by Lemma 12.9.3,

ρ (∪∞i=1Ri) = ∑












ρ (Ri) .

12.9. PRODUCT MEASURES 309It follows y > f 2Q (x,y) dp is measurable and so by the monotone convergence theoremagain,| [ 2otes)auav = [YOu (A)avi=1= ¥ [ % ou (aljavi=l= Yv(ai)u (a). (129.34i=1This shows the measurability conditions, 12.9.32 and 12.9.33 hold for Q € & and alsoestablishes the formula for p (Q) , 12.9.34.If U;A; x B; and U;C; x D; are two sets of &, then their intersection isUj Uj (AiNC;) x (Bi}N Dj)a countable union of measurable rectangles. Thus finite intersections of sets of Z are in Z.This proves the lemma.Now note that from the definition of Z if you have a sequence of elements of & thentheir union is also in @. The next lemma will enable the definition of an outer measure.Lemma 12.9.4 Suppose {Rj}; is a sequence of sets of & thenp(URiR) <p (R).Proof: Let R; = Uz Ay x Bi. Using Lemma 12.9.3, let {A/,, x Bi}, be a sequenceof disjoint rectangles each of which is contained in some Ai, x Bi for some i, j such thatUe Ri = Us_ Al, x Bi.Now defineS; = {m:A), x Bi, CA’; x Bi for some j}.It is not important to consider whether some m might be in more than one S;. The importantthing to notice is thatUmesAin x Bi, Cc Up Aj x Bi = R;.Then by Lemma 12.9.3,p(Ui=1Ri) = Yep (An x Bn)co< YY ep (An x Bn)i=1meS;(Umes:Amn X Brn) < ¥ p (Ri).i=1 i=]IA