It follows from the dominated convergence theorem that


XNC (y)∫

XQn (x,y)dµ = XNC (y)∫

XP (x,y)dµ

and soy→XNC (y)

∫XP (x,y)dµ

is also measurable. By completeness of ν ,


XP (x,y)dµ

must also be ν measurable and so it makes sense to write∫ ∫XP (x,y)dµdν

for every P ∈R1. Also, by the dominated convergence theorem,∫ ∫XP (x,y)dµdν =

∫XNC (y)

∫XP (x,y)dµdν

= limn→∞

∫XNC (y)

∫XQn (x,y)dµdν

= limn→∞

∫ ∫XQn (x,y)dµdν

= limn→∞

ρ (Qn) ∈ [(µ×ν)(S) ,(µ×ν)(S)+1/n]

for all n. Therefore,

ρ (P)≡∫ ∫

XP (x,y)dµdν = (µ×ν)(S) .

The sets of R1 are µ×ν measurable because these sets are countable intersections ofcountable unions of rectangles and Lemma 12.9.8 verifies the rectangles are µ×ν measur-able. This proves the Lemma.

The following theorem is the main result.

Theorem 12.9.10 Let E ⊆X×Y be µ×ν measurable and suppose (µ×ν)(E)<∞. Then

x→XE (x,y) is µ measurable a.e. y.

Modifying XE on a set of measure zero, it is possible to write∫XE (x,y)dµ.

The function,


XE (x,y)dµ

is ν measurable and(µ×ν)(E) =

∫ ∫XE (x,y)dµdν .


(µ×ν)(E) =∫ ∫

XE (x,y)dνdµ.

12.9. PRODUCT MEASURES 313It follows from the dominated convergence theorem thatlim Zyc(v) | Zo, (y)du = Zev) f Xe(ey)dun-ooand soy> Fye(y) | Ap xyduis also measurable. By completeness of v,yo je (x,y)dumust also be v measurable and so it makes sense to write| [| % (x,y)dudvfor every P € &,. Also, by the dominated convergence theorem,| [ 2eduav = | Bel) [ %o(ey)auav= Jim [ %e) | %, («.»)auav= lim | | %, (x,y)dudvneo= lim p (Qn) € [Hx V) (S), (Hx Vv) (S) + L/n)for all n. Therefore,p(P)= | | %p(x.y)duav =(HxV)(S).The sets of &, are X Vv measurable because these sets are countable intersections ofcountable unions of rectangles and Lemma 12.9.8 verifies the rectangles are U x V measur-able. This proves the Lemma.The following theorem is the main result.Theorem 12.9.10 Let E CX xY be UX V measurable and suppose (UX V) (E) <0. Thenx—> LE (x,y) is U measurable a.e. y.Modifying 2zg on a set of measure zero, it is possible to write[ %e(sy)an.The function,yo | % (x,y) duis V measurable and(xv) (E) = [ | 22 (xy) duav.Similarly,(xv) (E) = f | Pe (ey)avap.