INDEX appoints OSHIMA and SHIRATORI, 204 Foreign Minister, 51 UMEZU, Yoshijiro, 224 unauthorized information Dietrich, 155 United States keeping it neutral, 85 no plans for war, 98 Usami, 48 Usui, 177 Vice Admiral Sakonji, 141 Von Laumer, 23 Von Weizaecker German State Secretary, 145 Wakamatsu, 21, 24 Wang Ching Wei, 116 White Russians, 4, 7, 30, 176 shot, 181 Yamamoto, 200 opposes Anti-Comintern Pact, 206 Yamashita, 10, 32, 34, 67 Yano, 70 Yokoi, 92 replaced by Kojima 1943, 167 Yonai Navy, 55 Yugoslavia enters alliance, 119 The index was compiled by Kenneth L. Kuttler Jr. a grandson of G. Osmond Hyde. 245